Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Portugese Love

That is the title of my favorite song by Teena Marie, the incomparable soul singer who died this week at the unbearably young age of 54. I wrote this column about Lady T's impact on race relations for the Seattle Times and this blog post for the opinion page's blog, Ed Cetera.

Besides her silky, incomparable voice, I admired Teena Marie for making no apologies for being a white girl doing her thang in a black genre. Certainly more than a few eyebrows were raised over "Fire and Desire", her sizzling duet with Rick James. The song emoted such passion, some of it real for the couple who had a romantic relationship but ended with a good friendship that lasted decades. Racists must have seen their worse miscegnationist fears realized and more than a few black women wondered why Rick James had to share his success with a white woman. None of that slowed Teena Marie for a second.

I learned from her that if you're going to play someone else's game, play it well.

Here's a sample of Tina Marie singing my favorite song:

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